Red Velvet Cupcakes

Red Velvet Cupcakes

Red Velvet Cupcakes 

Dry Ingredients:

322g               1 ⅓ Cups + 1 Tbsp              APBM
2g                    ½ Tsp                                      Salt
23g                 2 Tbsp                                    Cocoa Powder, sifted

Wet Ingredients:

225g               1 Cup                                     Sugar
206g               ⅔ + ¼ Cup                            Canola Oil
100g               2                                              Eggs
5g                    1 Tsp                                      Red food coloring
6g                    1 Tsp                                      Vanilla
34g                 2 Tbsp                                    Water
182g               ¾ Cup                                    Milk
11g                 2 Tsp                                      Vinegar (1)
6g                    1 Tsp                                      Baking soda
6g                    1 Tsp                                  Vinegar (2)

Batch Weight: ~12 large cupcakes


*TIP* This recipe is slightly time-sensitive, so it is very helpful to have everything measured out and ready to go so you’re not scrambling around your kitchen

  • Preheat oven to 350°F
  • In a small cup mix milk and vinegar (1) to create buttermilk, set aside
  • In another small cup, mix together water, vanilla, and food coloring, set aside
  • In a small bowl or non-reactive container measure out the baking soda
    • In a small cup measure out vinegar (2) and set aside
  • Sift together dry ingredients in a small bowl, set aside
  • In a medium bowl, mix together the sugar and oil
  • Add eggs into the oil and sugar mixture, blending well
  • Add water, vanilla and food coloring
  • Alternate adding the sifted dry ingredients and the buttermilk, until you have mixed everything in
  • Pour vinegar (2) into the baking soda, give it a very quick stir, and promptly mix into the batter
  • Portion into prepared cupcake pan, filling liners ¾’s full, and bake for 20-24 minutes, or until an inserted skewer comes out clean